Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Importance of Daily Coat Care

Believe it or not, the physical state of a dog influences the way he feels and the way we look at our dogs as well.

At around the month of March and April, all of the dog grooming salons are full of dogs with dirty, rough or greasy hair, a lot of them come in limping because their nails are too long and they have teary eyes and dirty ears. Obviously a dog that comes in this way has not been well taken of all winter. Incredibly enough after a nice grooming these dogs look like different dogs and they seem to have more life in them. Their owners definitely think so too.

There are extreme cases in which lack of proper care, cleaning and grooming can directly affect the behaviour of a dog. An example of this is when a dog has long nails; if the dog normally enjoyed running around and getting a lot of exercise, he won't be able to anymore and it will even affect the way he walks causing him pain and he may even become depressed.

Another example of this is a dog whose hair has grown too long and is in front of his face blocking his eyes. This situation can actually affect some animals to the point where they become fearful and untrusting of people and other animals, and on some occasions even aggressive. A dog that cannot see well feels threatened and he will impulsively go on the defensive. Put yourself in this dog's shoes and imagine yourself in this situation.

It’s a false economy to put off grooming appointments, if some owners don’t keep their dog well brushed at home, because it takes longer to remove an un-brushed coat than it does to remove a well brushed coat, and as the cost of grooming is based on an hourly rate, it can be 3 or 4 times more expensive to repair the damage.

Health issues go un-noticed under all that fur, which when revealed, may cause very expensive Veterinary Costs and suffering to the dog.

And in all of this the poor dog suffers. How would it be if we turned up at our Hairdressers having not brushed our hair for 6months? Would they go ahead and brush it out? Or hand US the brush to sort it before they would consider touching it.

Please let the Groomer sort it in the humane way and clip it all off quickly. Though remember, all those knots have been pulling on the dog’s skin making it very tender to touch. Once the knots have been removed, it will be a few days before the dog will feel happy about being touched or cuddled, until the tenderness dies down.

This is NOT the fault of the Groomer, but the owners, in allowing the dog to get into this condition.

Hair does grow again, and a Good Dog Groomer is only too happy to show owners how easy it is to keep their dog’s coat well brushed and knot free at home.

Dog Groomers and Owners must abide by The Animal Welfare Act 2006, and not cause any animal suffering or distress. This includes the distress caused by NOT brushing our Pets daily ourselves, as Coat Care begins at home.

xxxDoggy Licks & Kissesxxx Jackie

Posh Pawz Dog Grooming Studio
Home of The Dog House

Where warm Kisses Greet Cold Noses!

Its the Time for Spring Molting!

It’s the time of year for Spring Moulting!

The change of the seasons from Winter, to Spring and then to Summer has always been the natural time of year for dogs to cast their winter coats. In the wild, a dog’s natural instincts would have sensed the rise in temperature and the lengthening of the daylight hours. So the process of moulting began readiness for the warmer summer months.

Our domesticated friends still induce this process at this time of year. However, in the last few decades with more dogs living indoors in a centrally heated environment, their senses have gotten somewhat confused. Being inside the warm house stimulates the dog to cast off its coat. Yet, going out into the cold winter air has the opposite effect.

According to a recent UK survey conducted by Dog World, in association with Yumega, this has accounted for 58% of owners saying that their dogs cast their coats all year round. The survey also indicated a sharp rise in the amount of hair that each dog sheds. It is estimated that the extra hair left on furnishings in the home requires an extra half hour of
vacuuming every week.

Each hair on your dog will be at one of three stages at any given time.

• The growth phase where the hair is continually growing.

• The resting phase where it has stopped growing but is still attached to the hair follicle. At this stage, the hair can easily detach if touched or rubbed against furnishings or clothes.

• The final phase where the hair is dead and falls out by itself to make way for new hair growth.

So how can you stop this process? Well you can’t actually stop the process of your dog’s hair growing, just as you can’t stop your own hair growing. However, you can certainly assist to remove unwanted dead hair and reduce the nightmare of dog hairs all over your home.

Firstly, your dog’s nutrition has a major affect on the condition and strength of his coat. Hair that doesn’t receive a balanced level of nutrients soon becomes dull, loose and falls out prematurely. Therefore, by feeding oily fish weekly in their diet, provides oils such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 as well as other valuable nutrients which all help nourish the hair and skin by keeping it moist, supple and healthy.

Daily brushing is important to remove the hair in a controlled manner. Brushing stimulates the natural oils in your dog’s coat. But, the type of brush you use can dramatically affect the quantity of hair removed during brushing. Please ask if you need help choosing a good quality brush that will give you great results.

Grooming your dog at this time of year will greatly help removal of dead hair and undercoat. A deep wash combined with professional shampoos will strip out the unwanted coat leaving the healthy and shiny top coat. The shampoos also condition the remaining hair so that it’s stronger and less likely to fall out. If you’re having trouble with your dog moulting, please give us a call for more advice on coat care.

xxxDoggy Licks & Kissesxxx Jackie

Posh Pawz Dog Grooming Studio,Home of The Dog House

Where warm kisses greet Cold Noses!

Posh Pawz Dog Grooming Studio Gosport - Groomers Services on ThePet.net

Posh Pawz Dog Grooming Studio Gosport - Groomers Services on ThePet.net

You can now leave feedback about your dog's visit to me on the above link.
Rememer, Posh Pawz is a Groomers Co operative, and there are 2 Grooming business working from this address. So make sure you name who the feedback is for.
Jackie or Jean.

xxxDoggylicks and Kissesxxx Jackie